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  • gespielte Games heute: 0
  • gesamt gespielte Games: 5647250
  • Gesamtanzahl Games: 516
  • Besucher online: 18

Willkommen auf MiniGames08

Arcade Games:
Spongebob Schneemann bauen
Spongebob baut verschiedene Schneemänner...
Bomb Disposal Hippos
Use the hippo to collect the scattered bombs,...
Big Head Boy
Big Head Boy ist eine frische Erneuerung des ...
Move the balls around and hit collect when yo...
Defense Games:
Gemcraft Zero

Bitte habt ein wenig Ge...

Andere Games:
Play a fun version of the classic arcade Brea...
Pet Feeding
The aim of this game is to feed the four cute...
Interactive Boogy
Select a song and break out the funky weird m...
Spongebob Shuffelboard
Nutze die Maus um die Stärke deiner Schl...
Casino Games:
Spongebob Korallenzerstörer
Hilf Spongebob und Gary durch das Korallen Ri...
Viele kleine Spiele
Spiele für zwischen durch sind sehr beli...
Shooter Games:
Zombie Horde
Defend yourself and the village citizens from...
Shoot down anything that flies, floats, glide...
Alien Invasion
Alien invasion hat ein nettes Spielkonzept - ...
Boomerang Mayhem
In this game you go around hitting kangaroos ...
Sport Games:
Penalty Master
Set up both vertical and horizontal angle and...
Great Tournament
Aim for the bulls eye and fire your bow and a...
Monkey Curling
Play the sport Curling with three monkeys.
Sketchbook Samurai
Free spirited wackheads unite to help Hitomi ...
Adventure Games:
USS Enterprise Two
You are aboard the Starship Enterprise, explo...
Final Fantasy Barry
Run about the grasslands of this strange plac...
Toilet Quest
Rush into the stall find the toilet paper bre...
Pixelville Pensioners
Walk around Pixel town and find people to hel...
Action Games:
Cat Bat
Get rid of the unwanted cats from the castle ...
Heli Attack 3
Destroy all enemy units to progress through s...
Fly Eating
Lets see how many flies can a toad eat. We're...
Bombs Away
Play as a seagull and bother tourists.
Strategie Games:
Beweis dass du ein Held bist und hilf eine...
Land on each planet of the solar system to ge...
Wargames 1983
Play a game of global thermonuclear war selec...
Sortiere (trenne) die blauen Punkte von den r...
Puzzle Games:
Celebrity Dustbin Marvelous
Guess which celebrities the things belong to,...
Sheep Invaders
A sheep version of space invaders.
Go Marching in
Use the blocks to guide your saints down the ...
Reaction Effect
Click on one of the tiles to start a chain re...
Rennen Games:
Spongebob Unterwasserrennen
Hilf Spongebob die Zutaten rechtzeitig in die...