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Willkommen auf MiniGames08
Batman Fight your way through the penguin and save B... |
Centrifuge Protect the centrifuge at the center by shoot... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Battle Pong Classic pong game with a fight it out against... |
Pendakar Choose a guy or girl and run through the jung... |
Catch the Turkey Get the turkey before it runs off the screen. |
Don't Let Go Click on the button with your mouse and hold ... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Astro Boy Avoid or destroy the asteroids in order to su... |
Bomb Defusal You have 20 minutes to find the bomb and rest... |
Viele kleine Spiele Spiele für zwischen durch sind sehr beli... |
Spongebob Korallenzerstörer Hilf Spongebob und Gary durch das Korallen Ri... |
Zombie Horde Defend yourself and the village citizens from... |
Doomed Walk around with your soldier. Switch from pi... | |||||||||||||||||||||
Boomerang Mayhem In this game you go around hitting kangaroos ... |
Alien Invasion Alien invasion hat ein nettes Spielkonzept - ... |
Kick Off Aim and position your ball shoot it in the go... |
Soccer Play pocket soccer choose how many players yo... | |||||||||||||||||
Monkey Curling Play the sport Curling with three monkeys. |
Soccer A Click your mouse to move the robot towards th... |
Spongebob's Muschelfang Bei diesem Spiel musst du als Spongebob Patri... |
USS Enterprise Two You are aboard the Starship Enterprise, explo... | |||||||||||||
The Cave of Death Travel through this deadly cave finding clues... |
Toilet Quest Rush into the stall find the toilet paper bre... |
60 seconds Steal 10 cars and collect $200,000 in 10 minu... |
Ball Bounce Get the ball to the other not hit lig... | |||||||||
Notepad Invaders A strange remake of the classic space invader... |
Run 'Em Down Drive in your car and run over people before ... |
Invasion Land on each planet of the solar system to ge... |
Wargames 1983 Play a game of global thermonuclear war selec... | |||||
Bot Arena (Beta) Das Spiel hat Potential - Negativ ist allerdi... |
Fisherman Beweis dass du ein Held bist und hilf eine... |
Atomica Atoms make everything - even big scores. To s... |
TilezMaze2 A Massive maze waiting to be solved | |
Tetris A Classic tetris blocks game as levels advance ... |
Threesome The goal of this game is to move three colorf... |
Spongebob Unterwasserrennen Hilf Spongebob die Zutaten rechtzeitig in die... |
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